Coast Care
Dunes are the backbone of our beaches.
We will never stop the natural erosion that occurs in this dynamic environment, however, plants like spinifex & pingao help build and stabilise dunes.
In our community we work closely with Coast Care BOP to remove weeds from the reserve strip and dunes, and plant native sand-binding species, Spinifex and Pingao. It is recommended to have at least 10-15m of healthy native dune grasses growing in front of beachfront properties.
Please see our contact form below for any dune erosion and get in touch.
Caring for our dunes and beach at Pukehina
The dunes are the backbone of our beaches, the buffer between the land and the sea. A properly functioning beach system will contain a wide, well vegetated and gently sloping dune, which is a reservoir of sand. During a storm the dune is a sacrificial zone, buffering the effects of large waves.
- It is vital to keep both foot and vehicular traffic off the sand dunes.
- There are numerous marked access ways, most with sand ladders, along Pukehina Parade, to provide safe routes to both the beach and the estuary.
- Please use these to protect the sand dunes from damage.
Our targeted community rate to help our beach environment
The Pukehina Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Association hold a resource consent through Bay of Plenty Regional Council to do remedial work on the beach in the event of significant erosion.
All ratepayers in our area, pay into a targeted rate held by Western BOP District Council to fund this work. Properties on the beachfront pay $47.45 and those on the inland side of Pukehina Parade pay $8.23 per year.
There are two types of work/mahi we are currently undertaking under the guidance of coastal experts.
- Push up of sand in areas where the beach does not repair after storm events
- Re-shaping work to limit the angle of the dune and create a more resilient dune for the long-term.
In both areas of mahi, Spinifex and Pingao are planted along the top edge and landward of the dune and send runners down to trap sand and help build a resilient dune system.
Our Coast Care updates for Pukehina
Keep up to date with latest works on the beach, and see what mahi we have done to support the restoration of dunes in Pukehina. We have actioned our resource consent to help rebuild following Cyclone events, and due to the efforts of many of us, and supported by our targeted rate, our community is in a good position to continuing creating a more resilient coastline.
Please note, use the form at the bottom of the page to report any significant erosion following storm events, or to share a success story in your area of the beach.
Click on the newsletters below to keep up to date too!
Knowing your property boundaries
BOPRC, WBOPDC and DOC have put out a joint flyer to share with Pukehina. Please ensure you know the rules around what you can and cannot do if you own a beachfront property. This area is called the Primary risk zone and therefore resource consent may be required for earthworks etc
Note that no new structures or ramps are permitted to be constructed in the dune area. If historical structures are taken away in storms these cannot be replaced.
If in doubt give once of the agencies a call to check out what you can and can't do and what requires a resource consent.
Please also note that garden clippings, grass and weeds should head into compost bins or to the garden waste section of the Te Puke or Te Maunga transfer stations!

Coastal Erosion - Let us know
If you see any damage to the dunes in your local spot please let us know. You can fill in this form below and email any photos through. In the event of significant erosion we are able to arrange push ups of sand, and with the support of Coast Care arrange a planting & maintenance programme.